Saturday, December 29, 2012

Here's to New Beginnings

I suppose I should give you a little background information on myself. Well, long story short, I am 24 years old. I graduated from college this past May with a degree in Political Science and a concentration in International Relations. I moved to Malawi, Africa in August to volunteer with a Non-Profit, and I am heading home one week from today.

That's where the story begins. Sort of. For the sake of this post, I'll begin at the end of my journey here. Surely I'll talk about my adventures in the Warm Heart of Africa at a later time, but right now I am working on getting home.

For anyone that has done an extended trip abroad in a developing nation, you know how challenging it is to adjust to a new way of life, but the real adjustment comes when you set foot in your home country.  All these things that you have missed can become overwhelming at times. The realization that you do not have a job, any form of income, and absolutely no savings is also kind of intimidating. At least, that is my situation...

BUT. That's not the point of this post - to be a Debbie Downer. One of the more valuable lessons I have learned during my stay abroad is how much I enjoy writing. Not only do I enjoy it, it has become a release for me. I have nearly filled up an entire Moleskine journal writing about my time here. I have also become very fond of writing letters too. So together, with me writing and you reading, I am going adjust back to life in the US, keep you up to date on my job status, and just let you know what's going on in my life.

Thanks for reading.

Until Next Time,